Aging Nuclear Reactors Present Safety Issues

One of the big issues with nuclear reactors, especially in the United States, is that they get older and more prone to suffer issues, like corroded pipes, cracked pressure vessels,…

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Antioxidant Loaded Acai Bowls for Radiation Healing!

Here is a recipe from our house to yours, especially focused on boosting our supply of crucial antioxidants with a tasty, nutritious, and balanced bowl of fruit, nuts, seeds, grains,…

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US Govt. Study (NTP) Shows Cellphones Cause Cancer

Do cellphones cause cancer? The answer coming from the latest US Government study on cellphone radiation appears to be ‘yes.’ The National Toxicity Program (NTP) Carcinogenesis Studies on Cellphone RadioFrequency…

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Types of Ionizing Radiation

Fukushima ‘Ice Wall’ is Failing – Allowing Radiation into Ocean

No, this isn’t a Game of Thrones episode and wildlings aren’t climbing over walls near Tokyo. Rather, TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) constructed a wall of ice in the ground…

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Cellphones Cause Development, Behavior, and Health Issues in Children Exposed During Infancy

CBS News reports on how cellphones cause behavior issues in children exposed during infancy. Cellphones and cellphone radiation should not be used by or around children and infants. The developing…

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Americans Spend Five Hours a Day on their Smartphones!

Last year, Informate Mobile Intelligence released a report based on a study conducted on smartphone usage internationally looking at 12 different countries. The study showed that American spend, on average,…

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Radioactive Fallout From Fukushima Worse than Thought

Here are some articles on some new findings from Fukushima fallout showing that radioactive cesium “was concentrated and deposited in non-soluble glass microparticles, as a type of ‘glassy soot’.” This…

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Power Loss at Fukushima

Power was lost at Fukushima Nuclear Facility the other day causing no reported issues, but the power loss affected systems responsible for keeping the ‘icewall’ containment cooled. As I wrote…

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TEPCO Lied and Covered-up the Fact of Serious Meltdowns at Fukushima

This is not new news, but it has been reported recently in many outlets that TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) covered up the fact that three of the four reactors…

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